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Author: sunjammer (talk, contrib)


I wrote this example for forum user cooladn. In the end it wasn't needed but someone may find it useful. It's yet another demonstration of the usefulness of the System plugin that Brainsucker wrote for NSIS. This example checks to see if a given disk has the desired amount of free space:


Please, please, please do not CheckSpaceFree on "c:\" when you want to CheckSpaceFree on "$INSTDIR".

You need to know the capacity of the volume that the specified directory is in. This may not be the volume at the "root of the drive" (e.g. "d:\") because of the use of mount points. If you don't know what mount points are then you should find out before writing installers that look at disk space. You might even use them yourself :-) In simple terms, a system could have a drive on which stuff is stored; Instead of being accessed as d:\, it could be accessed as c:\stuff. So, if I want to install your program into c:\stuff, you should CheckSpaceFree there and not abort because I don't have enough space on c:\.

The Script

OutFile "FreeSpace.exe"
!define sysGetDiskFreeSpaceEx 'kernel32::GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(t, *l, *l, *l) i'
; $0 - space required in kb
; $1 - path to check
; $2 - 0 = ignore quotas, 1 = obey quotas
; trashes $2
function CheckSpaceFunc
  IntCmp $2 0 ignorequota
  ; obey quota
  System::Call '${sysGetDiskFreeSpaceEx}(r1,.r2,,.)'
  goto converttokb
  ; ignore quota
  System::Call '${sysGetDiskFreeSpaceEx}(r1,.,,.r2)'
  ; convert the large integer byte values into manageable kb
  System::Int64Op $2 / 1024
  Pop $2
  ; check space
  System::Int64Op $2 > $0
  Pop $2
section -
  StrCpy $0 12345 ; kb you need
  StrCpy $1 'c:' ; check drive c: for space
  StrCpy $2 1
  Call CheckSpaceFunc
  IntCmp $2 1 okay
  MessageBox MB_OK "Error: Not enough disk space"