Math plug-in

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Author: deguix (talk, contrib)

This plug-in is included in the NSIS distribution package.


This plug-in is used to calculate in-line mathematical expressions.

Plug-in functions



Calling Syntax
Math::Script "MathExpression"
Returning Syntax


Executes a mathematical expression specified in the MathExpression parameter.


Specifies the expression to be executed. More details on the parameter syntax can be found in the readme (comes with the plug-in).
WARNING: Any mathematical expression syntax errors create GPF errors.


Math expression functions (mostly by deguix)

This is the file that I had in my computer with all the functions that I made for the Math plug-in. I didn't have enough time to make a documentation for and to arrange those functions below. You're welcome to add a description of use for any function here.


MatAdd(a,b) (c=-1; x={}; d=#[l(a)>l(b), l(a), l(b)]; #{c++<d, x[c]=a[c]+b[c]}; x)
MatSub(a,b) (c=-1; x={}; d=#[l(a)>l(b), l(a), l(b)]; #{c++<d, x[c]=a[c]-b[c]}; x)

;Math Constants

pi = 4*atn(1)
pi = 3.14159
é = 2.71828
gamma = 0.57721

;Math Formulas

Factorial - fac(a, b,c,d) (#[a<0, a*=-1; d=1, d=0]; b=c=1; #{++b<=a, c=c*b}; #[d==1, c*=-1]; d=0; c)
Permutation without repetition - npr(a, b) (S=c; c=1; #{++b<=a, c=c*b}; a=c; c=S;a)
Combination without repetition - ncr(a, b) (S=d; S=c; d=b; c=1; #{b++<=a, c=c*(b-1)}; a=b=1; #{a++<=d, b=b*(a-1)}; a=c/b; c=S; d=S; a)

type (a, v) (#[a == 0, #[a == c(0), v = "array", v = "nil/zero"], #[a/0.0 == a, v = "string", #[a==flr(a), v="integer", v = "float"]]];v)

Detects the type of the variable:
- zeronull: zeronull == "0" && zeronull == c(48) ---> number "0" character
- array: array == "0" && array == c(0) ---> null character
- string: string/0.0 == string
- number: number/0.0 == "#INF"
  - integer: integer==flr(integer)
  - float: float!=flr(float)

  - Math bug: 0.0/0.0 yields 0. It should be 1.

Absolute Value (fixed) - abv(a) (#[a < 0, a *= -1, a])
Power (fixed) - power(a,b, c) (c=1;#{b-->0,c=c*a};c)
Root (fixed) - root(a,n,p, x,xt,pt) (x=1;xt=pt=-1;#{pow(x,n)!=a&&#[p!=-1,++pt<=p,1]&&x!=xt,xt=x;x=((n-1)*x+(a/pow(x,n-1.0)))/n};x)

Sign - sgn(a) (#[a < 0, a = -1, #[a > 0, a = 1, a = 0]])
Signum (alternative) - sgn(a) (a/abv(a))
Fractional Part - fra(a, b) (b=a; a=b-flr(a))
Integer Part - int(a) (flr(a))
Reciprocal - rcp(a) (1/a)

Arithmetic Average - avg(a,b) ((a+b)/2)
Geometric Average - gav(a,b) (sqr(a*b))
Harmonic Average - hav(a,b) (2/(1/a+1/b))

Prime Numbers - PN(f,t, m,a,b,c,n,i,d,k) (m=sqt(t)+1;a={};b={};c=n=0; i=2; #{i<t, d=k=0; #{(!k)&&(d<n), #[i%(a[d++])==0, k++]}; #[!k,#[i>=f,b[c++]=i];#[i<=m,a[n++]=i,#[i<f,i=f-1]]]; i++}; b)

;Date & Time
IsLeapYear(a, b,c) (#[mdf(a/4.0,c) == 0, #[mdf(a/100.0,c) > 0, b = 1, #[mdf(a/400.0,c) == 0, b = 1, b = 0]],b = 0];b)

MinToSec(a) (a*60)
HourToSec(a) (a*MinToSec(60))
DayToSec(a) (a*HourToSec(24))
MonthToSec(a,b, c) (a--;c=a*DayToSec(31);#[a>=1,#[IsLeapYear(b)==1,c-=DayToSec(2),c-=DayToSec(3)]];#[a>=3, c-=DayToSec(1)];#[a>=5, c-=DayToSec(1)];#[a>=8, c-=DayToSec(1)];#[a>=10, c-=DayToSec(1)];#[a>11, c=0];c)
YearToSec(a,b, c) (c=0;#{++b<=a,#[IsLeapYear(b-1),c+=DayToSec(366),c+=DayToSec(365)]};c)

DateToSec(a,b,c,d,e,f,g, h) (h=YearToSec(g, a)+MonthToSec(f, a)+DayToSec(e-1)+HourToSec(b)+MinToSec(c)+d;h)

;Format: DateToSec(Year in which the counting of seconds start,Hour,Minute,Second,Day,Month,Year)

SecToYear(a,b,&c, d) (d=b;#{*c=#[IsLeapYear(d),DayToSec(366),DayToSec(365)];a>=*c,a-=*c;d++};*c=a;d)
SecToMonth(a,b,&c, d,e) (d=0; e={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,0};#{#[d>=12,*c=a+1;d=-1,*c=e[d]*DayToSec(1)];#[(d==1)&&(IsLeapYear(b)),*c+=DayToSec(1)];a>=*c,a-=*c;d++};*c=a;++d)
SecToDay(a,&b) (*b=a%DayToSec(1); a=a/DayToSec(1))
SecToHour(a,&b) (*b=a%HourToSec(1); a=a/HourToSec(1))
SecToMin(a,&b) (*b=a%MinToSec(1); a=a/MinToSec(1))

SecToDate(a,b,&c,&d,&e,&f,&g,&h, i) (*h=SecToYear(a,b,i);a=i;*g=SecToMonth(a,b,i);a=i;*f=SecToDay(a,i)+1;a=i;*c=SecToHour(a,i);a=i;*d=SecToMin(a,*e))

;Format: SecToDate(Seconds,Year in which the counting of seconds start,Hour,Minute,Second,Day,Month,Year)

;Number Types

abv(a) (#[a < 0, a *= -1, a])
poe(a,b, c) (c=1;#{b-->0,c=c*a};c)
Dec2Hex(a,b, c,d,s,hex) (#[a<0,a=poe(16,b)+a];r2=a;hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};s='';#{b-->0,s=hex[a%16]+s; a=a/16};s)
r0 = Dec2Hex(-1,2)


Sort_Bubble(a,c, i,k,t) (i=1;#{i,i=k=0;#{(++k)<c,#[a[k]<(a[k-1]),t=a[k-1];a[k-1]=a[k];a[k]=t;i++]}})
StrLoc(s,e, p,i) (p=-1;i=0;#{(i<l(s))&&(p<0),#[s[i,i+l(e)-1]==e,p=i];i++};p)
StrRep(s,fa,ra, i,f,r,e,p) (i=0;#{i<l(fa),e=l(f=fa[i]);r=ra[i];p=0;#{p<l(s),#[s[p,p+e-1]==f,s=(s[,p-1])+r+(s[p+e,]);p+=l(r),p++]};i++};s)

;Geometric Figures

AreaSquare(s,A, t,c) (#[s!=0,c|=0x1];#[A!=0,c|=0x2];  #[c==0x1, t=s*s,#[c==0x2, t=sqt(A),#[c==0x3, #[s*s==A, t=1, t=0],t='error']]];t)
AreaRectangle(b,h,A, t,c) (#[b!=0,c|=0x1];#[h!=0,c|=0x2];#[A!=0,c|=0x4];  #[c==0x3, t=b*h,#[c==0x5, t=A/b,#[c==0x6, t=A/h,#[c==0x7, #[b*h==A, t=1, t=0], t='error']]]];t)
AreaParallelogram(b,h,A, t,c) (#[b!=0,c|=0x1];#[h!=0,c|=0x2];#[A!=0,c|=0x4];  #[c==0x3, t=b*h,#[c==0x5, t=A/b,#[c==0x6, t=A/h,#[c==0x7, #[b*h==A, t=1, t=0], t='error']]]];t)
AreaTriangle(b,h,A, t,c) (#[b!=0,c|=0x1];#[h!=0,c|=0x2];#[A!=0,c|=0x4];  #[c==0x3, t=(1/2)*(b*h),#[c==0x5, t=A/(b/2),#[c==0x6, t=A/(h/2),#[c==0x7, #[(1/2)*(b*h)==A, t=1, t=0], t='error']]]];t)
AreaRhombus(d1,d2,A, t,c) (#[d1!=0,c|=0x1];#[d2!=0,c|=0x2];#[A!=0,c|=0x4];  #[c==0x3, t=(d1*d2)/2,#[c==0x5, t=A/(d1/2),#[c==0x6, t=A/(d2/2),#[c==0x7, #[(d1*d2)/2==A, t=1, t=0], t='error']]]];t)
AreaRegPolygon(a,p,A, t,c) (#[a!=0,c|=0x1];#[p!=0,c|=0x2];#[A!=0,c|=0x4];  #[c==0x3, t=(a*p)/2,#[c==0x5, t=A/(a/2),#[c==0x6, t=A/(p/2),#[c==0x7, #[(a*p)/2==A, t=1, t=0], t='error']]]];t)
AreaCircle(r,A, t,c) (#[r!=0,c|=0x1];#[A!=0,c|=0x2];  #[c==0x1, t=r*r*pi,#[c==0x2, t=sqt(A/pi),#[c==0x3, #[r*r*pi==A, t=1, t=0],t='error']]];t)
PythagorianTheorem(a,b,c, t,d) (#[a!=0,d|=0x1];#[b!=0,d|=0x2];#[c!=0,d|=0x4];  #[d==0x3, t=sqt((a*a)+(b*b)),#[d==0x5, t=sqt((c*c)-(a*a)),#[d==0x6, t=sqt((c*c)-(b*b)),#[d==0x7, #[(a*a)+(b*b)==(c*c), t=1, t=0], t='error']]]];t)
CPythagorianTheorem(a,b,c, t,d) (#[a!=0,d|=0x1];#[b!=0,d|=0x2];#[c!=0,d|=0x4];  #[d==0x3, t=sqt((a*a)+(b*b)),#[d==0x5, t=sqt((c*c)-(a*a)),#[d==0x6, t=sqt((c*c)-(b*b)),#[d==0x7, #[(a*a)+(b*b)>(c*c), t=1, #[(a*a)+(b*b)<(c*c), t=2, t=0]], t='error']]]];t)

mtsTQ(s) (s = s(NS); #[s[0]=='$\"',s=s[1,]]; #[s[-1]=='$\"',s=s[,-2]]; NS = s)
mtsDL(s) (s=s(NS); p=StrLoc(s,'\r\n'); #[p>=0, (NS=s[p+4,]; NS=#[p>0,s[,p-1],'']), (NS='';NS=s)])


ArrayInsert(a,s,i, n,nf,nt,s2,t) (t='error'; #[s!='',n=-1;nf=0;s2=0;nt=ArrayLength(a)+1;#{n++<nt,#[n>=i, #[n==i, t=1];#[nf%2==0,#[n!=nt,s2=a[n]];a[n]=s];#[nf%2==1,#[n!=nt,s=a[n]];a[n]=s2];++nf]}];#[t=='error', error='ValueError'];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B"}
  ArrayInsert(Test, "C", 2)
  r0 = Test[2]
# Result: 1
- Test =  {"A","B","C"}

# 2:
  Test = {"A", "B"}
  ArrayInsert(Test, "C")
  r0 = Test[2]
# Result: 1
- Test = {"C","A","B"}

# Error 1:
  Test = {"A", "B"}
  r0 = ArrayInsert(Test)
# Result: "error"
- Test = {"A", "B"}
- error = "ValueError"

ArrayAppend(a,s) (t=ArrayInsert(a,s,ArrayLength(a));t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B"}
  r0 = ArrayAppend(Test, "C")
# Result: 1
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}

# Error 1:
  Test = {"A", "B"}
  r0 = ArrayAppend(Test)
# Result: "error"
- Test = {"A", "B"}
- error = "ValueError"

ArrayCount(a,s, n,nt,t) (t='error';#[s!=0,n=-1;t=0;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{++n<nt, #[a[n]==s, ++t]}, t=ArrayLength(a)];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}
  r0 = ArrayCount(Test, "A")
# Result: 2
- Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}

# 2:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}
  r0 = ArrayCount(Test)
# Result: 4
- Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}

ArrayRemove(a,i, n,nf,nt,s,s2,t) (t='error';#[i>=0,n=-1;nf=0;s=s2=0;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{nt-->n,#[nt>=i, #[nt==i, t=a[i]];#[nf%2==0,#[nt!=n,s2=a[nt]];a[nt]=s];#[nf%2==1,#[nt!=n,s=a[nt]];a[nt]=s2];++nf]}];#[t=='error', error='IndexError'];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayRemove(Test, 2)
# Result: "C"
- Test = {"A", "B"}

# 2:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayRemove(Test)
# Result: "A"
- Test = {"B", "C"}

# Error 1 (Needs to be fixed):
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayRemove(Test, -1)
# Result: "error"
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
- error = "IndexError"

ArrayPop(a) (t=ArrayRemove(a,ArrayLength(a)-1);t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = Pop(Test)
# Result: "C"
- Test = {"A", "B"}

ArrayRemoveRepeated(a,s, n,nt,t,f) (#[s==0, f=1];n=-1;nt=ArrayLength(a);t='error';#{#[f==1, s=a[n+1];++n<nt && ArrayCount(a,s)>1,Count(a,s)>1], ArrayRemove(a, ArrayIndex(a,s,2)); t=1};#[t=='error', error='ValueError'];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"}
  ArrayRemoveRepeated(Test, "A")
# Result: 1
- Test = {"A", "B", "C", "B", "C"}

# 2:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"}
# Result: 1
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}

ArrayRemoveItem(a,s,it, i,n,nt,t) (t='error';#[s!="" && i>=0, n=-1;nt=ArrayCount(a,s);i=0;#{++n<=nt, #[a[s]==s, #[i>=it; t=ArrayRemove(a,n)}];#[t!='error',t=1];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayRemoveItem(Test, "C")
# Result: 2
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}

# Error:

ArrayIndex(a,s,it, f,i,n,nt,t) (t='error';#[s!='',n=-1;nt=ArrayLength(a); i=0;f=0; #[it<0, n=nt;nt=-1;it*=-1;f=1];#[it==0, it=1];#{#[f==1, --n>nt,++n<nt] && i<it, #[a[n]==s, ++i]};#[i>=it, #[f==1, t=++n, t=--n]]];#[t=='error' && s=='',error='ValueError', #[t=='error', error='IndexError']];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayIndex(Test, "C")
# Result: 2
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}

# 2:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}
  r0 = ArrayIndex(Test, "A", 2)
# Result: 3
- Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}

# 3:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}
  r0 = ArrayIndex(Test, "A", -2)
# Result: 0
- Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}

# Error 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayIndex(Test)
# Result: "error"
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
- error = "ValueError"

# Error 2:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}
  r0 = ArrayIndex(Test, "A", 3)
# Result: 0
- Test = {"A", "B", "C", "A"}
- error = "IndexError"

ArraySwap(a,i,i2, s,s2,t) (t='error';#[i==i2,t=1];#[i2>i,s=i;i=i2;i2=s];s=ArrayRemove(a,i);s2=ArrayRemove(a,i2);i2=ArrayInsert(a,s,i2);i=ArrayInsert(a,s2,i);#[i!='error' && i2!='error' && s!='error' && s2!='error',t=1];#[t=='error', error='ValueError'];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArraySwap(Test, 0, 2)
# Result: 1
- Test = {"C", "B", "A"}

# 2:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArraySwap(Test, 2)
# Result: 1
- Test = {"C", "B", "A"}

# 3:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArraySwap(Test)
# Result: 1
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}

# Error 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArraySwap(Test, -2, 0)
# Result: 0
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
- error = "IndexError"

ArrayMove(a,i,i2, s,t) (t='error';#[i>=0 && i2>=0,#[i==i2,t=1];s=ArrayRemove(a,i);i=ArrayInsert(a,s,i2);#[i!='error' && s!='error',t=1]];#[t=='error', error='IndexError'];t)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayMove(Test, 0, 2)
# Result: 1
- Test = {"B", "C", "A"}

# 2:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayMove(Test, 2)
# Result: 1
- Test = {"C", "A", "B"}

# 3:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayMove(Test)
# Result: 1
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}

# Error 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayMove(Test, -2, 0)
# Result: 0
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
- error = "IndexError"

ArrayExpand(a,a2, n,nt) (n=ArrayLength(a)-1;nt=ArrayLength(a)+ArrayLength(a2);#{++n<nt, a[n]=a2[n-ArrayLength(a2)-1]};a)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  Test2 = {"D", "E", "F"}
  r0 = ArrayExpand(Test, Test2)
# Result: Test = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}

ArrayRange(x,y, a,i) (a={};--x;i=0;#{++x<y, a[i++]=x};a)
# 1:
  Test = Range(0,5)
# Result: Test = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4"}

ArrayReverse(a, n,nt,t) (n=-1;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{++n<nt/2.0, t=a[n];a[n]=a[nt-n-1];a[nt-n-1]=t};a)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
# Result: Pointer to "Test" array
- Test: {"C", "B", "A"}

ArraySort(a,c) (Sort_Bubble(a,c))
# 1:
  Test = {"C", "B", "A"}
# Result: Pointer to "Test" array
- Test: {"A", "B", "C"}

ArrayUpdate(a,a2, n,nt,i,t) (n=0;nt=ArrayLength(a2);i=ArrayLength(a);#{n<nt, #[ArrayCount(a, a2[n])==0, ArrayInsert(a, a2[n], i); i++];n++};a)

# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  Test2 = {"D", "C", "E"}
  ArrayUpdate(Test, Test2)
# Result: Pointer to "Test" array
- Test = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}
- Test2 = {"D", "C", "E"}

ArrayCopy(a, a2,n,nt,t) (a2 = {};n=0;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{n<nt, ArrayInsert(a2,a[n],n);n++};a2)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  Test2 = ArrayCopy(Test)
# Result: {"A", "B", "C"}
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
- Test2 = {"A", "B", "C"}

ArrayCrop(a,n,nt, i) (i=n;#{n<nt, ArrayRemove(a,i);n++};a)
# 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayCrop(Test, 1, 2)
# Result: 1
- Test = {"A"}

# Error 1:
  Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
  r0 = ArrayCrop(Test, 3, -2)
# Result: "error"
- Test = {"A", "B", "C"}
- error = "IndexError"

ArrayToString(a,sep, n,nt,t) (n=-1;t="";nt=ArrayLength(a);#{++n<nt, t=t+a[n]+sep};t=t[0,-l(sep)-1];t)
StringToArray(s,sep, n,i) (a={};n=-1;#{i = StrLoc(s,sep); i!=-1, a[++n]=s[0,i-l(sep)]; s=s[i+l(sep),-1]};a[++n]=s;a)

Sort_Bubble(a,c, i,k,t) (i=1;#{i,i=k=0;#{(++k)<c,#[a[k]<(a[k-1]),t=a[k-1];a[k-1]=a[k];a[k]=t;i++]}})
StrLoc(s,e, p,i) (p=-1;i=0;#{(i<l(s))&&(p<0),#[s[i,i+l(e)-1]==e,p=i];i++};p)

ArrayLength(a, i) (i=0;f=0;#{#[a[i] == 0,++f, f=0];f<2, ++i};i-1)

ArrayInsert(a,s,i, n,nf,nt,s2,t) (t='error'; #[s!='',n=-1;nf=0;s2=0;nt=ArrayLength(a)+1;#{n++<nt,#[n>=i, #[n==i, t=1];#[nf%2==0,#[n!=nt,s2=a[n]];a[n]=s];#[nf%2==1,#[n!=nt,s=a[n]];a[n]=s2];++nf]}];#[t=='error', error='ValueError'];t)
ArrayCount(a,s, n,nt,t) (t='error';#[s!="",n=-1;t=0;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{++n<nt, #[a[n]==s, ++t]}, t=ArrayLength(a)];t)
ArrayRemove(a,i, n,nf,nt,s,s2,t) (t='error';#[i>=0,n=-1;nf=0;s=s2=0;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{nt-->n,#[nt>=i, #[nt==i, t=a[i]];#[nf%2==0,#[nt!=n,s2=a[nt]];a[nt]=s];#[nf%2==1,#[nt!=n,s=a[nt]];a[nt]=s2];++nf]}];#[t=='error', error='IndexError'];t)
ArrayIndex(a,s,it, f,i,n,nt,t) (t='error';#[s!='',n=-1;nt=ArrayLength(a); i=0;f=0; #[it<0, n=nt;nt=-1;it*=-1;f=1];#[it==0, it=1];#{#[f==1, --n>nt,++n<nt] && i<it, #[a[n]==s, ++i]};#[i>=it, #[f==1, t=++n, t=--n]]];#[t=='error' && s=='',error='ValueError', #[t=='error', error='IndexError']];t)
ArrayExpand(a,a2, n,nt,t) (n=ArrayLength(a)-1;nt=ArrayLength(a)+ArrayLength(a2);#{++n<nt, a[n]=a2[n-ArrayLength(a2)-1]};a)
ArrayRange(x,y, a,i) (a={};--x;i=0;#{++x<y, a[i++]=x};a)
ArrayReverse(a, n,nt,t) (n=-1;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{++n<nt/2.0, t=a[n];a[n]=a[nt-n-1];a[nt-n-1]=t};a)

ArrayAppend(a,s) (t=ArrayInsert(a,s,ArrayLength(a));t)
ArrayPop(a) (t=ArrayRemove(a,ArrayLength(a)-1);t)
ArrayRemoveRepeated(a,s, n,nt,t,f) (#[s==0, f=1];n=-1;nt=ArrayLength(a);t='error';#{#[f==1, s=a[n+1];++n<nt && ArrayCount(a,s)>1,ArrayCount(a,s)>1], ArrayRemove(a, ArrayIndex(a,s,2)); t=1};#[t=='error', error='ValueError'];t)
ArrayRemoveItem(a,s,it, i,n,nt,t) (t='error';#[s!="" && i>=0, n=-1;nt=ArrayCount(a,s);i=0;#{++n<=nt, #[a[s]==s, #[i>=it; t=ArrayRemove(a,n)}];#[t!='error',t=1];t)
ArraySwap(a,i,i2, s,s2,t) (t='error';#[i==i2,t=1];#[i2>i,s=i;i=i2;i2=s];s=ArrayRemove(a,i);s2=ArrayRemove(a,i2);i2=ArrayInsert(a,s,i2);i=ArrayInsert(a,s2,i);#[i!='error' && i2!='error' && s!='error' && s2!='error',t=1];#[t=='error', error='ValueError'];t)
ArrayMove(a,i,i2, s,t) (t='error';#[i>=0 && i2>=0,#[i==i2,t=1];s=ArrayRemove(a,i);i=ArrayInsert(a,s,i2);#[i!='error' && s!='error',t=1]];#[t=='error', error='IndexError'];t)
ArraySort(a,c) (Sort_Bubble(a,c))
ArrayUpdate(a,a2, n,nt,i,t) (n=0;nt=ArrayLength(a2);i=ArrayLength(a);#{n<nt, #[ArrayCount(a, a2[n])==0, ArrayInsert(a, a2[n], i); i++];n++};a)
ArrayCopy(a, a2,n,nt,t) (a2 = {};n=0;nt=ArrayLength(a);#{n<nt, ArrayInsert(a2,a[n],n);n++};a2)
ArrayCrop(a,n,nt, i) (i=n;#{n<nt, ArrayRemove(a,i);n++};a)

ArrayItemGet(a,i,it ,a2,itmp,nt) (a2={};itmp=nt=-1;#[it==0,#[l(a)+i>=0&&i<l(a),#[i>=0,itmp=a[i],itmp=a[l(a)+i]],'IndexError'],#[it==1,#{++nt<2-1,#[i[nt]<0,i[nt]=l(a)+i[nt]]};nt=-1;itmp=i[0]-1;#{++nt;++itmp<=i[1]-1,#[itmp<l(a),a2[nt]=a[itmp];a2]};a2,#[it==2,#{++nt;nt<=l(i)-1,#[l(a)+i[nt]>=0&&i[nt]<l(a),++itmp;#[i[nt]>=0,a2[itmp]=a[i[nt]],a2[itmp]=a[l(a)+i[nt]]];a2]};a2,'ValueError']]])

ArrayToString(a,sep, n,nt,t) (n=-1;t="";nt=ArrayLength(a);#{++n<nt, t=t+a[n]+sep};t=t[0,-l(sep)-1];t)
StringToArray(s,sep, n,i) (a={};n=-1;#{i = StrLoc(s,sep); i!=-1, a[++n]=s[0,i-l(sep)]; s=s[i+l(sep),-1]};a[++n]=s;a)

;I need to rename function names to be only for items or for arrays by complete.

;Math Header System:

;To define a number:
;- ${MathNumDef} "numbername"

;To initialize a number:
;- ${MathNumInit} "numbername" "data" "subtype"

;To use a number:
;StrCpy $0 $n_numbername

;RGB <-> HSL

RGBToHSL(R,G,B, RGBMAX,HLSMAX, cMax,cMin,Rdelta,Gdelta,Bdelta) (#[RGBMAX==0,RGBMAX=255.0];#[HLSMAX==0,HLSMAX=240.0];cMin=#[R<G&&R<B,R,#[G<B,G,B]];cMax=#[R>G&&R>B,R,#[G>B,G,B]];L=(((cMax+cMin)*HLSMAX)+RGBMAX)/(2*RGBMAX);#[cMax==cMin,H=(HLSMAX*2.0/3);s=0.0,#[L<=(HLSMAX/2),s=(((cMax-cMin)*HLSMAX)+((cMax+cMin)/2))/(cMax+cMin),s=(((cMax-cMin)*HLSMAX)+((2*RGBMAX-cMax-cMin)/2))/(2*RGBMAX-cMax-cMin)];Rdelta=(((cMax-R)*(HLSMAX/6))+((cMax-cMin)/2))/(cMax-cMin);Gdelta=(((cMax-G)*(HLSMAX/6))+((cMax-cMin)/2))/(cMax-cMin);Bdelta=(((cMax-B)*(HLSMAX/6))+((cMax-cMin)/2))/(cMax-cMin);#[R==cMax,H=Bdelta-Gdelta,#[G==cMax,H=(HLSMAX/3)+Rdelta-Bdelta,#[B==cMax,H=((2*HLSMAX)/3)+Gdelta-Rdelta]]];#[H<0,H+=HLSMAX];#[H>HLSMAX,H-=HLSMAX]];H=#[fra(H)<0.5,H=flr(H),H=cel(H)];s=flr(s);L=flr(L))


H - Round normal (when < 0.5, to below, => 0.5, to above)
Rest, round downward.


H range of values is 0-239, w/ 240 numbers in total. Numbers never reach above 240, so normal rounding can be applied.
S range of values is 0-240, w/ 241 numbers in total. Numbers CAN reach up to 240.5. If it was to be rounded normally, it would go to 241, which wouldn't be good, because no number reached 241.
L is the same thing as S.


HueToRGB(n1,n2,H, HLSMAX) (#[HLSMAX==0,HLSMAX=240.0,HLSMAX+=0.0];#[H<0,H+=HLSMAX];#[H>HLSMAX,H-=HLSMAX];#[H<(HLSMAX/6),n1+(((n2-n1)*H+(HLSMAX/12))/(HLSMAX/6)),#[H<(HLSMAX/2),n2,#[H<((HLSMAX*2)/3),n1+(((n2-n1)*(((HLSMAX*2)/3)-H)+(HLSMAX/12))/(HLSMAX/6)),n1]]])
HLSToRGB(H,L,s, HLSMAX,RGBMAX) (#[HLSMAX==0,HLSMAX=240.0];#[RGBMAX==0,RGBMAX=255.0];#[s==0,R=G=B=(L*RGBMAX)/HLSMAX;#[H!=(HLSMAX*2/3),error="ValueError"],#[L<=(HLSMAX/2),Magic2=(L*(HLSMAX+s)+(HLSMAX/2))/HLSMAX,Magic2=L+s-((L*s)+(HLSMAX/2))/HLSMAX];Magic1=2*L-Magic2;R = (HueToRGB(Magic1,Magic2,H+(HLSMAX/3))*RGBMAX+(HLSMAX/2))/HLSMAX;G = (HueToRGB(Magic1,Magic2,H)*RGBMAX + (HLSMAX/2))/HLSMAX;B = (HueToRGB(Magic1,Magic2,H-(HLSMAX/3))*RGBMAX+(HLSMAX/2))/HLSMAX])

Couldn't finish HLSToRGB to accuratelly output consistant results. There is always results in the range 1+/-.
Contribution details
General information
Author: brainsucker
Version (Last updated): 24/Nov/2005
Category: Plug-ins
Supported Operating System: Windows (All)
Development information
Administrators: brainsucker
Development Status: Mature
License: zlib/libpng license
Programming/Scripting Languages: C, C++

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Clean the page up to conform a higher standard of quality.
Give more attention to this page.