Detect MDAC 2.6

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Author: icebrrrg (talk, contrib)


This function will check the registry to see what version of MDAC is installed, and will set a flag for the installer to update with a newer version if necessary. Currently the minimum version is 2.6 (required for SQL2K connections), but this can be changed by altering the functions.


The Function

; UpdateMDACVersion
; Written by Matthew Kershaw (
; This function will set a flag which determines if a newer
; version of MDAC is required. Currently will set the flag
; to 1 (updated) for MDAC 2.5 or newer; will allow 2.6x, 2.7x,
; 2.8x to pass without updating. If the MDAC is newer than
; 2.8x, the function won't support it (i.e. it will require
; an update).
; Usage:
;	Call UpdateMDACVersion
;	Pop $MDAC_UPDATE	;If $MDAC_UPDATE is 1, install latest MDAC
Function UpdateMDACVersion
	ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DataAccess" "Version"
	IfErrors MDACNotFound MDACFound
		StrCpy $2 $1 3			;e.g. $2 is now "2.5"
		StrCmp $2 "2.6" MDAC26Found
		StrCmp $2 "2.7" MDAC26Found
		StrCmp $2 "2.8" MDAC26Found
		Goto MDACNotFound
		Push 0
		Goto ExitFunction
"The Microsoft Data Access Components version 2.6 (or later) \
was not detected; this is required for installation. Setup will \
install the MDAC."
		Push 1
		Goto ExitFunction

Note: Checking for "FullInstallVer" instead of "Version" might be better. "Version" should be "2.0.0" even with MDAC 2.8.