Slash to backslash converter for entire file

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Author: rainmanp7 (talk, contrib)


This example shows you how to replace a slash by a backslash in an entire file.

== The Function With Examples ==

Push "<Directory $\"$INSTDIR/www/phpwebsite_en/cgi-bin$\">" ;replace with 
Push 673 ;line to replace on 
Push "$INSTDIR\Apache\conf\httpd.conf" ;file to replace in 
Call WriteToFileLine
;-------------------------------------Switch the Begin #1
Push "Alias /perl/ $\"$INSTDIR/Apache/perl/$\"" ;replace with 
Push 1093 ;line to replace on 
Push "$INSTDIR\Apache\conf\httpd.conf" ;file to replace in 
Call WriteToFileLine 
;-------------------------------------Switch the Begin #2
Push "Alias /work/ $\"$INSTDIR/www/phpwebsite_en/$\"" ;replace with 
Push 1117 ;line to replace on 
Push "$INSTDIR\Apache\conf\httpd.conf" ;file to replace in 
Call WriteToFileLine 
;-------------------------------------Switch the Begin #3
Push "<Directory $\"$INSTDIR/www/phpwebsite_en/$\">" ;replace with 
Push 1118 ;line to replace on 
Push "$INSTDIR\Apache\conf\httpd.conf" ;file to replace in 
Call WriteToFileLine 
Push "C:\Program Files\"      #-- text to be replaced  within the " "
Push "C:/Program Files/"      #-- replace with anything within the " "
Push all                      #-- replace all occurrences 
Push all                      #-- replace all occurrences 
Push $INSTDIR\Apache\conf\httpd.conf  #-- file to replace in 
Call AdvReplaceInFile          #-- Call the Function
;-------------------------------------Switch the \ to / Begin #28
;##### First Function Section of Replacement :)
Function AdvReplaceInFile
Exch $0 ;file to replace in
Exch $1 ;number to replace after
Exch 2
Exch $2 ;replace and onwards
Exch 2
Exch 3
Exch $3 ;replace with
Exch 3
Exch 4
Exch $4 ;to replace
Exch 4
Push $5 ;minus count
Push $6 ;universal
Push $7 ;end string
Push $8 ;left string
Push $9 ;right string
Push $R0 ;file1
Push $R1 ;file2
Push $R2 ;read
Push $R3 ;universal
Push $R4 ;count (onwards)
Push $R5 ;count (after)
Push $R6 ;temp file name
GetTempFileName $R6
FileOpen $R1 $0 r ;file to search in
FileOpen $R0 $R6 w ;temp file
StrLen $R3 $4
StrCpy $R4 -1
StrCpy $R5 -1
FileRead $R1 $R2 ;read line
IfErrors exit
StrCpy $5 0
StrCpy $7 $R2
IntOp $5 $5 - 1
StrCpy $6 $7 $R3 $5 ;search
StrCmp $6 "" file_write2
StrCmp $6 $4 0 loop_filter
StrCpy $8 $7 $5 ;left part
IntOp $6 $5 + $R3
StrCpy $9 $7 "" $6 ;right part
StrLen $6 $7
StrCpy $7 $8$3$9 ;re-join
StrCmp -$6 $5 0 loop_filter
IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1
StrCmp $2 all file_write1
StrCmp $R4 $2 0 file_write2
IntOp $R4 $R4 - 1
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
StrCmp $1 all file_write1
StrCmp $R5 $1 0 file_write1
IntOp $R5 $R5 - 1
Goto file_write2
FileWrite $R0 $7 ;write modified line
Goto loop_read
FileWrite $R0 $7 ;write modified line
Goto loop_read
FileClose $R0
FileClose $R1
SetDetailsPrint none
Delete $0
Rename $R6 $0
Delete $R6
SetDetailsPrint both
Pop $R6
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
Pop $9
Pop $8
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
Pop $2
Pop $1
Pop $0
;#####  2nd Function Begin
;>>>>>> Function Junction BEGIN
Function WriteToFileLine
Exch $0 ;file
Exch $1 ;line number
Exch 2
Exch $2 ;string to write
Exch 2
Push $3
Push $4
Push $5
Push $6
Push $7
 GetTempFileName $7
 FileOpen $4 $0 r
 FileOpen $5 $7 w
 StrCpy $3 0
FileRead $4 $6
IfErrors Exit
 IntOp $3 $3 + 1
 StrCmp $3 $1 0 +3
FileWrite $5 "$2$\r$\n"
Goto Loop
FileWrite $5 $6
Goto Loop
 FileClose $5
 FileClose $4
SetDetailsPrint none
Delete $0
Rename $7 $0
SetDetailsPrint both
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
Pop $2
Pop $1
Pop $0
;>>>>>>>>>>>>> Function END