Talk:NsisXML plug-in (by Wizou)

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Memory leaks

Many people find known memory leaks unacceptable. Granted, the NSIS probally won't listen on a port, and the memory will probally be freed after te process exits on 2000+. However, I don't think 9x cleans up memory too well and I've discovered memory leaks in my code that I wrote on a 2000 machine when it crashed on a NT 4.0 Machine. --Zippy1981 08:56, 5 September 2006 (PDT)

Latest version of nsisXML plugin have a release function to allow freeing memory if that's an issue for you. Wizou 15:17, 7 May 2011 (UTC)

Support for DOCTYPE tag

The DOCTYPE tag is not supported !

This issue about DOCTYPE support with MSXML is being discussed several times on the web. Google for it. Here is one solution (doc.validateOnParse = doc.resolveExternals = false; + doc.setProperty('ProhibitDTD', false); + doc.loadXML('<!DOCTYPE root><root/>');)

getText with a dxDiag file

getText fails when reading a dxDiag file. Here is the test for Windows Vistaâ„¢ Ultimate:

Exec "dxdiag /x $TEMP\dxdiag.xml"
 nsisXML::load "$TEMP\dxdiag.xml"
 IntCmp $0 0 noDocument
 nsisXML::select '/DxDiag/SystemInformation/OperatingSystem'
 IntCmp $2 0 noElement
 IntCmp $3 0 noText
 MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "Found operating System: $3"
 Goto done
 MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "noDocument: $TEMP\dxdiag.xml does not exist"
 Goto done
 MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "noText: Could not read the operating system from $TEMP\dxdiag.xml"
 Goto done
 MessageBox MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK "noElement: Could not read the operating system from $TEMP\dxdiag.xml"
 Goto done
 Delete "$TEMP\dxdiag.xml"

note: replacing 'OperatingSystem' with 'Time' displays the time in a message box. -vude

Example Code - .NET Config Files

I'm using this plugin to adjust .NET config files. It works wonderfully. Here's what it looks like:

!macro AdjustConfigValue ConfigFile Key Value
   DetailPrint "Config: adding '${Key}'='${Value}' to ${ConfigFile}"
   nsisXML::load ${ConfigFile}
   nsisXML::select "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='${Key}']"
   nsisXML::setAttribute "value" ${Value}
   nsisXML::save ${ConfigFile}
!insertmacro AdjustConfigValue "$INSTDIR\MyApp.exe.config" "ServiceURL" ""

This adds a URL to a config file that resembles the following one:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <add key="ServiceURL" value=""/>

Note that in this case the specified key is being updated, not added. That is nice for me because my test environment (and what's in SVN) already includes the key.

It works by making an XPath query to the config file for an element named 'add' with an attribute 'key' equal to whatever variable ${Key} is passed into the macro. It's probably not hard to see how it might be adjusted for database connection strings.

Good luck! --Ladenedge 00:59, 10 February 2010 (UTC)


i generally prefer this plugin over others due to its filesize. however, what i'm missing is the option to create readable output, a way to tidy up the file to have nested tags.

Loop on childs ?

How to loop on childs like in :

<component name="that" version="1.0" />
<component name="this" version="1.0" />

nsisXML::select behaves unexpectedly but this allows you to enumerate by calling nsisXML::select "/components" in a loop (Anders (talk) 23:25, 20 October 2017 (UTC))

Elements in Namespace

I needed to select an element within a namespace but the element tags themselves did not have a namespace prefix. I modified this plugin to be able to set the namespace so that elements within this could be found. It is on github.

Undocumented functions

Why is setDocumentElement undocumented? (Anders (talk) 23:27, 20 October 2017 (UTC))

Crashes on NULL pointer

Please do some simple NULL pointer checks in functions like release. Leaking is better than crashing when people overwrite their $0. Anders (talk) 15:33, 9 July 2022 (UTC)