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Author: Lloigor (talk, contrib)


Macro that uses the windows default command line interpreter (usually $sysdir\cmd.exe) to execute a command and its parameters, with working directory, optional pause, stay-in-prompt and execwait.


${CmdPause} `$ParentFolder` `"d:\tools\free_upx\upx.exe" -v --brute $FileNames`


;;  Execute a command with cmd.exe 
;;  P1 :in: Working directory (""=$outdir) 
;;  P2 :in: Command and parameters 
!define Cmd "!insertmacro _CmdExec 0"         ; nopause/nowait
!define CmdWait "!insertmacro _CmdExec 1"      ; wait for end of execution
!define CmdPause "!insertmacro _CmdExec 2"     ; pause before exiting
!define CmdPauseWait "!insertmacro _CmdExec 3" ; pause + execwait
!define CmdStay "!insertmacro _CmdExec 4"       ; stay in command prompt
!define CmdStayWait  "!insertmacro _CmdExec 5"  ; stay + execwait
!macro _CmdExec _Mode_ _WorkDir_ _CommandAndParams_
   Push $R0
   ExpandEnvStrings $R0 '%COMSPEC%'
   StrCmp "${_WorkDir_}" "" +3
      Push $OutDir
      SetOutPath "${_WorkDir_}"
   !if '${_Mode_}' == '1'
      Exec `"$R0" /c "${_CommandAndParams_}" & echo. & echo. & pause`
   !else if '${_Mode_}' == '2'
      ExecWait `"$R0" /c "${_CommandAndParams_}"`
   !else if '${_Mode_}' == '3'
      ExecWait `"$R0" /c "${_CommandAndParams_}" & echo. & echo. & pause`
   !else if '${_Mode_}' == '4'
      Exec `"$R0" /k "${_CommandAndParams_}"`
   !else if '${_Mode_}' == '5'
      ExecWait `"$R0" /k "${_CommandAndParams_}"`
      Exec `"$R0" /c "${_CommandAndParams_}"`
   StrCmp "${_WorkDir_}" "" +3
      Pop $R0
      SetOutPath "$R0"
   Pop $R0