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dialog ui_file.exe

Replaces dialog (IDD_LICENSE, IDD_DIR, IDD_SELCOM, IDD_INST, IDD_INSTFILES, IDD_UNINST or IDD_VERIFY) by a dialog with the same resource ID in ui_file.exe. You can also specify 'all' as the dialog if you wish to replace all 7 of the dialogs at once from the same UI file. For some example UIs look at Contrib\UIs under your NSIS directory.

  • IDD_LICENSE must contain IDC_EDIT1 (RICHEDIT control).
  • IDD_DIR must contain IDC_DIR (edit box), IDC_BROWSE (button) and IDC_CHECK1 (checkbox).
  • IDD_SELCOM must contain IDC_TREE1 (SysTreeView32 control), and IDC_COMBO1 (combo box).
  • IDD_INST must contain IDC_BACK (button), IDC_CHILDRECT (static control the size of all other dialogs), IDC_VERSTR (static), IDOK (button), and IDCANCEL (button). If an image control (static with SS_BITMAP style) will be found in this dialog it will be used as the default for SetBrandingImage.
  • IDD_INSTFILES must contain IDC_LIST1 (SysListView32 control), IDC_PROGRESS (msctls_progress32 control), and IDC_SHOWDETAILS (button).
  • IDD_UNINST must contain IDC_EDIT1 (edit box).
  • IDD_VERIFY must contain IDC_STR (static).
ChangeUI all "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\sdbarker_tiny.exe"

Command introduced with NSIS v2.0