WORKAROUND: Winx64 Shortcut Icon Bug

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Author: Zinthose (talk, contrib)


This snippet was developed to address an issue with Windows x64 incorrectly redirecting the shortcuts icon from $PROGRAMFILES32 to $PROGRAMFILES64.

The issue arises when the created shortcut references a file in the "Program Files (x86)" path. The shortcut is created function normally. Upon system reboot however, the icon is reset to the systems default and upon selecting the "Change Icon..." button within the shortcuts properties. You will receive an error indicating that windows can't find the icon source.

See forum post


CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\My App\My App.lnk" "$INSTDIR\My App.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\My App.exe"
${lnkX64IconFix} "$SMPROGRAMS\My App\My App.lnk"


    WORKAROUND - lnkX64IconFix
        This snippet was developed to address an issue with Windows 
        x64 incorrectly redirecting the shortcuts icon from $PROGRAMFILES32 
        to $PROGRAMFILES64.
    See Forum post:
        CreateShortcut "$SMPROGRAMS\My App\My App.lnk" "$INSTDIR\My App.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\My App.exe"
        ${lnkX64IconFix} "$SMPROGRAMS\My App\My App.lnk"
    Original Code by Anders []
!ifndef ___lnkX64IconFix___
    !verbose push
    !verbose 0
    !include "LogicLib.nsh"
    !include "x64.nsh"
    !define ___lnkX64IconFix___
    !define lnkX64IconFix `!insertmacro _lnkX64IconFix`
    !macro _lnkX64IconFix _lnkPath
        !verbose push
        !verbose 0
        ${If} ${RunningX64}
            DetailPrint "WORKAROUND: 64bit OS Detected, Attempting to apply lnkX64IconFix"
            Push "${_lnkPath}"
            Call lnkX64IconFix
        !verbose pop
    Function lnkX64IconFix ; _lnkPath
        Exch $5
        Push $0
        Push $1
        Push $2
        Push $3
        Push $4
        System::Call 'OLE32::CoCreateInstance(g "{00021401-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}",i 0,i 1,g "{000214ee-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}",*i.r1)i'
        ${If} $1 <> 0
            System::Call '$1->0(g "{0000010b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}",*i.r2)'
            ${If} $2 <> 0
                System::Call '$2->5(w r5,i 2)i.r0'
                ${If} $0 = 0
                    System::Call '$1->0(g "{45e2b4ae-b1c3-11d0-b92f-00a0c90312e1}",*i.r3)i.r0'
                    ${If} $3 <> 0
                        System::Call '$3->5(i 0xA0000007)i.r0'
                        System::Call '$3->6(*i.r4)i.r0'
                        ${If} $0 = 0 
                            IntOp $4 $4 & 0xffffBFFF
                            System::Call '$3->7(ir4)i.r0'
                            ${If} $0 = 0 
                                System::Call '$2->6(i0,i0)'
                                DetailPrint "WORKAROUND: lnkX64IconFix Applied successfully"
                        System::Call $3->2()
                System::Call $2->2()
            System::Call $1->2()
        Pop $4
        Pop $3
        Pop $2
        Pop $1
        Pop $0
    !verbose pop